AbuGarcia Cardinal Custom Parts

 Custom Spools

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Spool for Cardinal C3 series CDC316R/CDC333R
ABU Aluminum Spool for Cardinal C3 series

Making the spool edge thinner than the genuine spool reduces the line release resistance, resulting in improved casting distance and casting feel.

[Avail] ABU NEW Shallow Spool for Cardinal 3 series CD320R/CD340R
ABU NEW Shallow Spool for Cardinal 3 series

By processing the spool edge thinner than the previous model. This has further improved casting distance and casting feel compared to the previous model.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum spools for ABU Cardinal 3 series CD320EX/CD340EX
ABU Aluminum spools for ABU Cardinal 3 series

Weight reduction from 320R/340R to 4.5 g for CD320EX and 2 g for CD340EX.

Avail Release Button for Avail CD (Cardinal) Spool [CD-RLS-BUT]
Release Button for Avail CD (Cardinal) Spool

This is a dress-up part that can be attached to Avail Cardinal spools.

Avail Release Button Ring for Avail CD (Cardinal) Spool [CD-BUT-RNG]
Release Button Ring for Avail CD (Cardinal) Spool

This is a dress-up part that can be attached to Avail Cardinal spools.

Avail Economizer for Cardinal.
Ring Opener for Avail CD (Cardinal) Spool

This tool replaces the release button ring and release button on Avail spools for Cardinal.

IOS Economizer for Cardinal.
[IOS Factory]
IOS Economizer for Cardinal.

Ultra-lightweight economizer attachable to the genuine spool of the ABU Cardinal 3 series.

  Custom Handle Parts

[Avail] ABU TOUGH BOX Handle HDT-CD (without knob) for Cardinal 3/4 Series
ABU TOUGH BOX Handle HDT-CD (without knob)
for Cardinal 3/4 Series

This handle enables the attachment of a variety of handle knobs.

[Avail] ABU TOUGH BOX Handle for Cardinal 3/4 Series
for Cardinal 3/4 Series

The original handle design has been carefully maintained to preserve the tasteful design that Cardinal is known for.

[IOS Factory] Cardinal Handle Adjustable
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Handle Adjustable

Designed exclusively for the Abu Cardinal series, which has long been a favorite among native trout anglers, this custom handle preserves the series’ esteemed design. It can also be fitted to Abu-manufactured spinning reels with a separately sold handle base.

Cardinal Premium Wood Handle Knob
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Premium Wood Handle Knob

A luxurious item made with ultra-premium wood, designed to complement the Cardinal series.

  Line Roller Parts

Line Roller HYPER for Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
Line Roller HYPER for Cardinal

Exclusive Line Roller for Cardinal!
Capable of handling even the most extreme conditions!

Line Roller Type C for Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
Line Roller Type C for Cardinal

Custom Line Roller for the popular Cardinal C Series, renowned for its classic appeal.

Cardinal Line Roller Base
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Line Roller Base

This is a base plate for combining with the IOS Line Roller Hyper.

Cardinal Line Roller Nut
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Line Roller Nut

This is a custom line roller nut for ABU Cardinal, weighing 0.5g less compared to the genuine part.


[Avail] ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 TYPE2
ABU Handle Cap for Cardinal C3

This is a handle cap for Cardinal C3. Please use it for dressing up or when you lose the original parts.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 TYPE3
ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 [TYPE3] DNOB-CD3-3

Preserving the ambiance of the Cardinal, this is a genuine Avail-made aluminum drag knob designed for the Cardinal 3, Type 2. It is designed with an easy-to-grip shape, and the sides are treated with a knurled finish to prevent slipping.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 TYPE2
ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 [TYPE2] DKNOB-CD3-2

Numbers have been engraved on the top surface of the product, enhancing visibility during drag adjustment compared to previous models.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3 TYPE2
ABU Stainless Screw Set for Cardinal 3

This is a set of 5 screws for the ABU Cardinal 3.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Bail Mount Screw for Cardinal 3
ABU Aluminum Aluminum Screw Set for Cardinal C3 3SC-SET-CDC3-AL

This is a 4-piece set of aluminum screws for the ABU Cardinal C3.

[Avail] ABU Aluminum Bail Mount Screw for Cardinal 3
ABU Aluminum Bail Mount Screw for Cardinal 3

This part is for color-coordinating the screw components of the bail section.

[Avail] Abu Protecting Ring for Cardinal 3/4 series
Abu Protecting Ring for Cardinal 3/4 series

This dress-up part can be attached to the genuine Cardinal and Avail manufactured Tough Box Handle.

ABU Cardinal Felt Washer for Protecting Ring

Parts to prevent interference of parts placed inside the protecting ring.

[IOS Factory] Defender for Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
Defender for Cardinal

Protecting Cardinal 3/33 from the Threat of Line Breaks

[IOS Factory] Canaria Spring System Easy for ABU Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
Canaria Spring System Easy for ABU Cardinal

Custom parts for Cardinal 3 & 33 sizes.
Enhance your gear with a lighter, more rhythmic ratchet sound!

Cardinal Drag Washer
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Drag Washer

Includes a set of three pieces.
Compatible with both original and reissue models.

Tuning Drag Washer Set for Cardinal 3-33 Series
[Handmade Lure Studio MORPHO]
Tuning Drag Washer Set for Cardinal 3-33 Series

This washer set improves the genuine drag characteristics, which are non-slip and unstoppable once started, to the smooth start-up as imagined by anglers.

Bail Mount for Line Roller Side of Cardinal 3 Series, Model 11163
Bail Mount for Line Roller Side of Cardinal 3 Series, Model 11163
[Genuine Parts for Cardinal 3: Web Exclusive]

Genuine Bail Mount for Cardinal 3. Ideal as a spare part for maintenance.

Bail Mount for the Opposite Side of the Line Roller, Model 11164
Bail Mount for the Opposite Side of the Line Roller, Model 11164
[Genuine Parts for Cardinal 3: Web Exclusive]

Genuine Bail Mount for Cardinal 3. Ideal as a spare part for maintenance.

QUICK CAST for Abu Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
QUICK CAST for Abu Cardinal

Custom part for Cardinal, designed to position the bail at half the distance of the original, enhancing the speed of handling.

Bail Spring Set for Cardinal 3 and 4 Series - Genuine Compatible Parts
Bail Spring Set for Cardinal 3 and 4 Series - Genuine Compatible Parts

This is a genuine compatible spring used in the bail section. Please use it as a spare in case the spring breaks.

[IOS Factory] Cardinal Bail Reinforcing Spring Set
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Bail Reinforcing Spring Set

By revising the appropriate number of coils and shape, the reinforced spring, 150% stronger than the genuine spring, achieves a smooth and light bail opening even in extreme cold or at maximum release. It enables a powerful and crisp bail return.

Stainless Steel Bail Spring for Cardinal 3 & 33 Series
[Handmade Lure Studio MORPHO]
Stainless Steel Bail Spring for Cardinal 3 & 33 Series

This bail spring utilizes stainless steel (SUS grade) as the spring material, making it less susceptible to rust.

Bail Spring for Cardinal C3 & C4 - Genuine Compatible Part
Bail Spring for Cardinal C3 & C4 - Genuine Compatible Part

Genuine Compatible Bail Spring for Cardinal C3 and C4. Ideal as a spare part in case of damage or loss

#4110 Spring
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#4110 Spring

#13879 C-4 Bearing Lock
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#13879 C-4 Bearing Lock

#11168 Trip Lever
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#11168 Trip Lever

#11128 A/R Spring
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#11128 A/R Spring

#14775 E-Ring
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14775 E-Ring

#14792 Washer
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14792 Washer

#14793 Washer
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14793 Washer

#14794 Washer
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14794 Washer

#14795 Drag Bushing
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14795 Drag Bushing

#14796 Drag Washer
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#14796 Drag Washer

#36949 A/R
[Abu Genuine]
Maintenance Parts for Cardinal 3 Series
#36949 A/R

Bearing for Cardinal 3 Pinion Gear

Internal bearing for overhaul. Expected to increase rotational efficiency.

Bearing for Cardinal 4 Pinion Gear

Internal bearing for overhaul. Expected to increase rotational efficiency.

Bearing for Handle Shaft of Cardinal 3XBII, G3, B3

This is an internal bearing exclusively for the Cardinal 3XBII, G3, B3. It is expected to improve rotational efficiency during reeling. It can also be used as a replacement part in case of performance degradation due to rust or wear.

OTASUKE-KUN No. 2 Wrench for Cardinal

This is a special tool for removing nuts that are difficult to remove with general tools.

[IOS Factory] Multi Tool
[IOS Factory]
Multi Tool

Detachment and attachment of the line roller screw for ABU Cardinal, and opening and closing of the ABU Cardinal body cover.

Cardinal 3i Reel Sticker
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal 3i Reel Sticker

Original sticker inspired by the ‘I’ motif of IOS FACTORY.

Cardinal Cover Screw
[IOS Factory]
Cardinal Cover Screw

Custom screw to stylishly accentuate the body cover of the ABU Cardinal3/33. An ultra-thin size that seems almost non-existent at just 1g.


[Avail] ABU Cardinal 3 Series Spool
ABU Cardinal 3 Series Spool

This is a shallow groove spool for the ABU Cardinal 3 series. Designed with precision machining to maintain the reel’s aesthetic, it features smooth spool edges and a design that minimizes line trouble.

[KAHARA JAPAN] ABU Spool for ABU Cardinal 4 Series
ABU Spool for ABU Cardinal 4 Series
This is a custom spool that can be attached to the ABU Cardinal 4 series.

[KAHARA JAPAN] Spool for ABU Cardinal 3 Series
Spool for ABU Cardinal 3 Series

This is a custom spool that can be attached to the ABU Cardinal 3 series.

[Abu Genuine] Aluminum Spool for Cardinal 3E
[Abu Genuine]
Aluminum Spool for Cardinal 3E

[NS Craft] Cross-Bake Knob
[NS Craft]
Cross-Bake Knob
This handle knob is made with cross-bake material. It is resistant to slipping even when wet, offering a moist and adhesive texture that is appealing.

[NS Craft] Robo Single Handle for Cardinal 3 & 4
[NS Craft]
Robo Single Handle for Cardinal 3 & 4
Model equipped with a handle knob designed with the image of the original knob of the Cardinal 3 series. Ideal for those considering their first custom handle, as it can be used without any discomfort.

Line Roller ULTRA for Cardinal
[IOS Factory]
Line Roller ULTRA for Cardinal

Significantly Enhance Your Cardinal’s Performance! Custom-Designed Tuning Parts.

Cardinal C System
[IOS Factory]
C System for Abu Cardinal 3/33

Make the Legendary Cardinal More Practical. Greatly Enhanced Drag Function and Winding Comfort!

[Avail] Titanium 64 Screw Set for ABU Cardinal 3
Titanium 64 Screw Set for ABU Cardinal 3

Achieving rigidity and lightweight design without compromising the original texture.

[Avail] Aluminum Drag Knob for ABU Cardinal 3
Aluminum Drag Knob for ABU Cardinal 3

Aluminum Drag Knob for Cardinal 3, designed to preserve the reel’s classic aesthetic with an original touch.

Round Nose Pliers (Tapered Type)
Round Nose Pliers (Tapered Type)

Convenient tool for smoothly removing hard-to-detach parts when disassembling the Cardinal.